Voting Biden
This article is written for those Democrats who are against Biden even after winning the party’s nomination. I have heard the same story in 2016. The candidate is flawed, “corrupt”, hiding things from the public.
What is your plan for 2024? If you believe that there will be no 2024 for America, you are going to be real disappointed in 2024.
Import ideal citizens into the country so they will vote for your candidate? Trump tried it. It turn out most people in Norway were not fans of him.
Block certain people from voting? Trump is trying it. Do you think he can put it off?
Change the minds of the people? How is Trump’s tweets working out for you?
Somebody has literally made a business out of Trump’s flip flops.
Do you believe that you can educate the people to make the correct choice? Your candidate certainly could not in 2020 and he (or she) had more resources.
Let’s assume your ideal candidate wins.
Next move?
The problem is that the President needs to work with other politicians. This means working with other people with questionable morals. You know, the guys (or girls) that you refuse to vote for. Even the President’s cabinet members need to be approved by other politicians.
Do you believe that once your candidate comes into power, everybody will be supportive of his ideas? Trump had the same idea.
“When you see a worthy person, endeavour to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self.” Confucius
Now, I am not insulting my readers by comparing them to Trump. (Honestly! Scroll to the end if you do not believe me.) I am explaining the truth about policies. Policies are dull. They are often complex and require experimentation. They also require trade offs. Like most things in life, they also have a limited lifespan. And like battle plans, no policy survives contact with the opposition.
So what happens when your President chooses to change his (or her) policy in exchange for certain gains? Politics is about negotiations, bargains and compromises. Even if the President sees things the same way as you, the President still has to run the country. This means taking care of everybody. Sometimes, this means everybody else. What if you are left out?
Voting is about tomorrow. You will not get most things you want in your lifetime by voting. Nobody will remember that you voted or who you voted for. There will be no citizen thanking you for your civic duty. There are no scholarship given out for civics education.
The President of the United States of America needs to be at least thirty five years old. The reason was that the person holding the nation’s highest elected office should be a person of maturity and experience. In 2016, the GOP broke the spirit of the law by electing Trump.
Now, are the Democrats going to break the spirit of the law about voting age too? Or will the adults rise to the occasion in November 3rd, 2020?