The gift that keeps on giving

Engsiong Tan
4 min readDec 12, 2023


Thoughts on the Covid-19 virus

Sick me. Photo by David Tyemnyák on Unsplash

I got Covid-19 again. Self-quarantine has made me rather enervated. Although I am feeling worse than my first Covid-19 infection, I need to point out that I was more miserable after my second Covid-19 vaccination. That was even though I did not have any cough and cold after the vaccination.

I am not bashing the mRNA vaccines. I am not alone in wanting a second opinion even after China and Russia developed their vaccine.

Weaponized Chinese weapon?

I have not read about the findings of the research about Covid-19 being a Chinese bioweapon. However, the fact that Covid-19 is still running havoc after four years impresses me if it was a China made bioweapon. Do you have any high-tech China made products that have lasted four years? If yes, is it now more effective now than when you first purchased it? To be fair, I did not expect so many humans to be pro virus.

An anti-human protest. Photo by DJ Paine on Unsplash

If Covid-19 was a bioweapon, it turned out to be pretty effective. The Russia computer hackers gave the world Trump as the 45th president of America in 2016. China’s bioweapon cost Trump the election in 2020. It also nearly eliminated him. I naturally blame Trump’s preference for not wearing a mask while meeting people who also do not wear masks. When Trump’s life was in danger, he naturally listened to the best doctors in America. More accurately, Trump refused to heed the Covid-19 treatment advice of a doctor that he promoted.

My last booster shot was made in China. I chose it in the belief that China could have some insider knowledge that those Western civilian scientists have yet to uncover. With hindsight, I suspect that I gave the Chinese government research a little too much credit especially with the rates of infection increasing in China in 2023.

Whose line is it?

One thing I did not expect was that animals could contract Covid-19 from people. Before anyone chimes in about Chinese bat soup, I need to point out that the “bats” in Wuhan China were innocent. The market which was the outbreak was first documented did not sell bats. There was already a person sick with Covid-19 before the market infection was detected. The market was also 17 miles from the lab that discovered the virus. The other point about Covid-19 is that it has genes donated from a bat virus and a pangolin virus. One reason why bats are so infectious is that they live in crowds, and they do not wear masks.

The mask is not for you. It’s to protect the people you care about. — The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

To be fair, I did not expect the list of animal patients to include so many lions and tigers. One would assume that apex predators evolved to thin the herd would have a more robust immunity system. The more important question was how did the zookeepers do a swab test for a lion?

Keep your 6 feet distance! Photo by Adam King on Unsplash

One point of interest was that only elven cows contacted Covid-19. Perhaps we need to study the drugs that we are injecting into our livestock that keep them healthy. Considering the number of quack doctors promoting Ivermectin as Covid-19 cure, maybe we should just keep our opinions to ourselves.

The other issue is that the virus mutated pretty quickly. Although we have are stuck at the Greek letter Omicron for the variants, we are now looking at Omicron’s offsprings. Different countries now have different variants running wild. Britan is worried about JN.1. A variant EG.5 that was discovered in February this year now has several of its own descendants running rampant around the world. In case you are curious about the new naming convention with two letters and one digit, there are a possible 6084 combinations. Except that it is not always two letters and one digit.

On that note, I need to return to sleep. I would like to say that AI gave me a hand in writing this story but ChatGPT decided to be more matured.

I understand that humor can be a way to cope with challenging situations. However, it’s important to remember that COVID-19 is a serious global pandemic that has affected many people’s lives. Therefore, it wouldn’t be appropriate to make light of it. — ChatGPT when asked to write a funny story about Covid-19



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