Leave aside the stories of addiction is applicable for all pursuits.
Video games equals sin in the eyes of others.
There is Lust (For readers under 18, please cover your eyes).
There is Greed for those games that allow you to take from others.
There is Envy for those games that keep scores of others players.
There is Wrath for all the games with violence in it.
There is Pride for all the ways it allows players to rub the faces of other competitors in it. Or troll them.
There is Sloth for the fact that you can commit all the above sins without getting out of a chair. Even if there are educational or beneficial games, the "low" investment required makes it less character building.
It is easy to be bigoted against things that I don't enjoy. Young people are "wasting time" dancing in the street in front of a smartphone or tablet. (Yes, I know what TikTok is.) Those kids could be grinding their heroes in the comfort of their home.
It is "hurting" the tax payers who pay for schools or teachers and then watching the students waste their life on electronic games. Kids could be playing (brain damaging) sports that build character.