Interesting times. The manhandling of patients in ER. I had escorted a patient to the ER for a dislocated shoulder. The ER must have rolled an extremely bad hand that day because the nurses and the doctor were all shorter than me. I was usually the shortest person in the room.
After watching them trying fruitlessly to tug the patient's arm for 5 minutes, I volunteered myself. I had participated in a few such operations. That was a white lie because I worked with a genius doctor. He fixed shoulders by strapping weights to the patients forearm and then positioning the patient on a bed. My doctor never broke a sweat because he got other people (like me) to lift the weight while he secured them. Unfortunately for the patient, the night shift stand in doctor was "lazier" and lifted a pen instead. The letter sent me as an escort to the ER.
After a miserable minute of tugging, the patient suddenly groan and the ER doctor discharged him. (I am leaving out all the boring parts.)
Then I met the patient's mother. She was an EMT. Not sure how she found her son in the middle of the night. It was in more trusting time because I believe the EMT's word and left my patient with her.