I worry that the old saying is true. American have watches but their adversaries have the time. Once Putin sent armed soldier over the borders and started killing people, the whole equation changed.
Russia hoped that Ukraine will fall in hours. Or at least before their soldiers' supply ran out. The west hoped that a bloody nose or two will stop Russia. And that sanctions will be too painful for Russia.
The truth is that time now needs to be counted in months not minutes.
Russia's only card is win concessions on the battlefield where victory is most obvious. {It is also why some talking heads on the Right want to add American forces into the mess.} Nobody can see Russian businesses going bankrupt in record numbers. We can see Russian oligarchs' yachts but we cannot see the actual state of the Russian economy. Russian stock market is still closed.
Russia cannot just pull back or the narrative will be that western missiles can beat Russian army. America cannot also just pull out or the narrative will be that America allies are all deadmen walking.
Thinking that Putin will win is like thinking that Trump will win 2019 when Covid-19 struck. There are no foolproof method to win war or manage a disaster.
The mess in Ukraine will end in face saving attempts by all sides (Besides Ukraine which want their borders back.). I also predict that the losing side will claim Biden cheated.