I totally understand the truth that science cannot disprove the existence of a god. Having said that, people have tried using science to prove certain facts in the bible. They failed. The world turned out to be older than six thousand years old. There is no proof of a global flood during the time when humans walked the earth. Scientists decided to spend their time doing more rewarding research.
Let me give the analogy about science. A few centuries ago, fire beacons and smoke signals were the solution to sending signals over long distances fast. Then we had radios and telegraph. Today we have light using fiberoptics cable. Does it mean that society should have stuck to using light regardless of alternatives?
It is possible that there could be a better solution that uses smoke or fire but that could be centuries away. Or millenniums away. It is not like theists are currently on a streak of proving their theology to be factual.
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. -
Terry Pratchett