I think your article is talking about writers who have honed their skill to a degree that they can get paid for it but are now claiming that they never intended to sell their creations.
If this your position, I disagree.
I do need authors to have the courage to write about things (Eg. Truth about their industry) and have courage to state that it is not a rage baiting article. In those cases, I do want the authors to have the courage not to monetize their work.
Take the recent conflicit in Israel. Many articles on this platform appear to rage baiting. Most articles were less to educate and more to stir things up.
Then Obama wrote something that is more matured with nuances. Not a perfect piece but better than the questionable articles produced by some of the other writers. I know the articles are man made because ChatGPT and the other AIs are disabled from producing anything related to the conflict.
Sometimes we do need the best communicators to do some public service instead of padding their bank account. Especially when there are rich people trying to overwhelm us with their "truth".