Baby Animals

Engsiong Tan
Feb 13, 2021


The next best wildlife shot

One of the favourite of most wildlife photographers is that of a predator catching its prey. The problem is that this means one majestic predator chowing down or hunting a cute looking critter.

If you are tender hearted like me, you have to settle for the next best thing. Baby animals. We are hard wired to like baby animals. They look cuter.

There is also a theory why squirrels are cute. They have big eyes, relatively large heads and short limbs. Which make them resemble human babies which have similar body proportions.

Mother carrying baby in its mouth
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They were on a tree, three lanes away. I suspect it is a mother carrying her young to a new nest. Otherwise, it is one of those not suitable for children animal documentary.

A sharper picture of a squirrel at closer range. It is a slender tail squirrel.

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