Alternative theory: It is the Fear Of Missing Out.
Before the pandemic, I could walk in and out of the supermarkets buying the minimum. Favourite snacks or instant noodles? Shrug. They were always there the next time I came back. I could always treat myself once I had something to celebrate.
Then came the empty shelves. Ok, not empty as Coke and Mars bars survive the great hoarding. (Side note. Thanks to food corporations, I doubt I will ever die of starvation. Obesity and diabetes will get me first. ) Plus some expensive premium brands and other less tasty stuff.
And then the supermarket could not give a date on when the chosen brand would be replenished. Then discovering that the supermarket substituted your favourite snack with some generic stuff.
At that I feel the cold wind of loneliness blowing. The realization that while I was busy with my life, my favourite snack has gone for good (Or got stuck in the Suez Canal. Or its raw materials got stuck in the Suez Canal.). The fact that ten Mars bars is no substitute for chocolate.
Oh and my online purchases skyrocketed. No doubt compensating for some unfillable snack hole.